I’m a psychologist with a background in global IT service- and consulting firms from where I have extensive experience with leadership, team motivation and strategic sales pursuits.
I am neither a therapist nor an executive coach, but a practice-oriented advisor with a focus on wellbeing and performance.
I provide a range of services centered on psychological safety, job satisfaction, and leadership development: workshops, sparring, and consulting primarily for private businesses in Denmark and the Nordic region. My approach focus on practical and actionable outcomes, making my services relevant for teams looking to enhance their working environment and leadership capabilities.
My services are not only designed to tackle common workplace challenges but also aim to foster a culture of openness and psychological safety – increasingly recognized as crucial for effective team dynamics and innovation. Additionally, my combination of business psychology and practical workshop facilitation offers a balanced approach to team and leadership development.
I am recognized for my ability to create a safe space for discussion and facilitating meaningful conversations that lead to real improvements in workplace culture and job satisfaction. My workshops, which include various interactive elements like plenary sessions and group work, are specifically designed to be engaging and result-oriented.
My blend of extensive experience in corporate settings combined with my focus on psychological safety and job satisfaction is unique in the market for business consulting services.
M.Sc. Psych, University of Copenhagen 2011.
- 2022-now: owner of Ulden, specialty yarn store in central Copenhagen. See more about this con amore project here.
- 2020-now: owner lonealler.dk. Workshops and sparring related to life at work.
- 2019-2020: Engagement Manager, T-Systems. Mobilizing teams for Complex Deals in Europe and globally. Development of new relationships with particularly strategic customers.
- 2014-2019 Managing Director, Accenture. Leadership development and executive support in sales teams. Strategies for renewal and re-vitalization of strategic client relationships.
- 2011-2014 Director, Hitachi Data Systems. Leadership development and executive support. Developing a new paradigm for client relationships, from product-driven to as-a-service driven, forming more lasting relationships.
- 2007-2011: Director, Electronic Data Systems (now: HP(DXC). Leadership development and executive support in sales teams. Origination and sales of complex or global service contracts, eg with transfer of employees and assets.
- 1996-2007: Director, CSC (now: DXC Technology). Leadership development and executive support for strategic sales teams. Focus on developing ”win themes”, relationship planning and storyboarding for individual pursuits.
- 1987-1996: Consultant, Datacentralen (acq by CSC in 1996). Managing ongoing service delivery for public and private customers. Consulting assignments with permanent base at the client site. Project management.